Live vs Online Poker: Key Differences to Know

Explore Live and Online Poker Differences to enhance your strategy, identify physical tells, and boost your win-rate in both game formats.
Live and Online Poker Differences

Live and Online Poker Differences are crucial for players to understand in order to improve their win rate and overall gaming experience. Both styles of play have their unique advantages and challenges, so it’s essential to be aware of these distinctions and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Game Softness and Stakes

One significant difference between live and online poker is that live games tend to be softer at comparable stakes. Online games at higher stakes are more challenging, while live games at the same level are easier. This is because casinos don’t spread anything below a certain level, so everyone who wants to play has to play these stakes or higher. Recreational players often play at lower stakes online, making the games easier.

Pace of Play

Live games move at a much slower pace than online games. Online players are used to playing several tables at once and seeing hundreds of hands per hour. In contrast, live players are limited to just one table, and the pace is much slower. Live players often take their time and aren’t necessarily focused on playing, especially at lower stakes.

Physical Tells and Reads

Reads can play an important role in live games. Physical tells are present in live games, and many recreational players give away a lot of information about the strength of their hand. Once you pick up on certain tells, you can get involved in more pots against these players and increase your edge even more.

Multiway Pots

You’ll play more multiway pots in live games. Live players are forced to sit at a single table and choose to get involved with a lot of speculative hands, just because they don’t want to be bored and keep folding. Cold-calling 3-bets is not uncommon in lower stakes games. You’ll need to handle these multiway pots and make necessary changes to your strategy.

Liberties with Bet Sizes

You can take more liberties with bet sizes in live games. Live players don’t care as much about the sizing as they do about their hands. You should experiment with your preflop raises to figure out how much your opponents are ready to pay and then take advantage of that information. You can also vary your postflop bet sizes.

Table Image

You can easily take advantage of your table image in live games. People spend several hours sitting with the same players, so naturally, they see what you’re doing and try to figure out your strategy. Building your image for a single session (or even for the long run if you’re playing against the same players) can be beneficial.

Win-Rates and Rake

It’s essential to consider the differences in win-rates and rake between live and online poker. Online poker games are faster-paced, with players able to play multiple tables at once, resulting in more hands played and a higher win-rate in terms of BB/100. On the other hand, live games are much softer, but players play fewer hands, resulting in a lower win-rate in terms of BB/100.

Players should keep in mind that the best measure of their win-rate is how much money they win per hour, not the actual big blind count. Live games have higher rake percentages, especially in lower stakes, and some games have an uncapped rake, making it challenging to win. Additionally, players aren’t likely to get “normal” rakeback in live games.

Flexibility and Scheduling

Online poker offers more flexibility, with games available day or night, while live games are typically played in the afternoon and during the night, with heavy traffic on weekends. Players looking to find good live games will often have to play late into the night, and Fridays and Saturdays will be reserved for poker.

In conclusion, the choice between live and online poker is a matter of personal preference. Players should understand and accept the Live and Online Poker Differences and weigh them up in advance. Live games can be a lot of fun if players enjoy the atmosphere and don’t mind adjusting their schedule around them. On the other hand, online poker offers more freedom and flexibility, making it a better option for players who value those aspects.

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