Bar Bets: Two Tricks to Score Free Drinks at the Pub

Win free drinks with classic bar bets like Pints vs Shots and Do As I Do. Impress friends and outsmart them with these clever tricks!
Bar bets

Bar bets are a popular way to entertain friends and even win some free drinks. These friendly wagers often involve clever tricks or challenges that can leave your friends amazed and reaching for their wallets. In this article, we will discuss two excellent bar bets that are sure to impress your friends and provide tips on how to beat someone who already knows the secret. Remember, the key to a successful bar bet is to ensure the bet is friendly and the amount at stake is reasonable. It’s also important to only use these bets with people who can afford to pay the agreed amount.

Pints vs Shots

The first bar bet is called “Pints vs Shots.” The challenge is to drink three pints of beer before the sucker can drink three shots. The catch is that you get to finish one pint before they start drinking their shots. The secret to winning this bet is to place the shot glasses in front of the sucker in a way that makes it impossible for them to reach one of the shot glasses. This bet is difficult to beat, even if the sucker knows the secret.

Do As I Do

The second bar bet is called “Do As I Do.” The challenge is for the sucker to do exactly what you do for five phases of the game. The catch is that you don’t actually drink the shot, but rather spit it back into the glass. The secret to winning this bet is to palm one of the coins while seemingly dropping both into the glass. This bet can be more challenging to win if the sucker already knows the secret.

Dealing with a Suspicious Opponent

If you encounter a suspicious or challenging opponent, you can distract their suspicions by emphasizing certain details and adding additional conditions. For example, you can stress that neither of you can touch each other’s glass or coins. If you get a sense that the mark knows the bet, you can palm one of the coins to increase your chances of winning.

Mastering the Coin Trick

One classic bar bet involves dropping two coins into a glass, but only allowing one to fall while the other remains in your hand. To pull off this trick, you need to be able to hold one coin in your hand without cramping. Then, you simply appear to pick up both coins and toss them into the glass, but only let one fall. If done smoothly, the sucker never suspects that only one coin was dropped.

After spitting out a shot of drink you never actually swallowed, you can reveal the palmed coin from the bottom of the glass. If the sucker tries the same trick and succeeds, you can congratulate them and buy them a round of drinks.

Keeping Bar Bets Fun and Friendly

Remember, bar bets should always be done in good fun and with the consent of all parties involved. Don’t take advantage of someone or make them feel foolish. With practice, you can become a master of bar bets and impress your friends with your skills.

In summary, bar bets can be a fun way to entertain your friends and score some free drinks. Just remember to keep the bets friendly and the amounts reasonable. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be sure to impress your friends and come out on top. By mastering the art of bar bets, you’ll become the life of the party and leave your friends amazed at your clever tricks.

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